Add a new feed
Go to
, tap on the buttonType the feed's url in the input
Tap on the "Check and Add" button
If no error occurred, the feed is now listed under
How to find the RSS/ATOM URL of a website
This article describes how you can search an RSS/ATOM URL of a website, what you can use in the NewsFeed Launcher or other RSS reader application.
Most of the time you need to search a page in your web browser (Chrome, Firefox etc.), where you can see a similar structure as the following examples:
When you see a page similar to these, you can see the feed’s url on the top.
There is no generic way to do this, but you can try the following things:
Find the on the news site, then click on it
Sometimes it will direct you to the RSS/ATOM feed instantly
Sometimes it will direct you to a new page where you can choose which particular topic you are interested in. These can be such as "World news", "Business", "Sports"
Click on the topic, what will direct you to the RSS/ATOM feed
Try out some common urls, such as "/feed", "/rss" or "/blog/rss.xml".
Ex.: If you want to find the RSS url for the "" site, try out the "" and "" urls. If you are not getting "404 – Not found" for one of them, you successfully found the RSS url