Documentation 28.0.0-beta03 Help


Desktop related settings.

Desktops settings preview

Desktop count

The count of the pages which can contain icons and widgets next to the NewsFeed.

Default desktop

The default page which will appear when the app opens.

Grid size

Controls the desktop page grid, which determines how many icons can be placed on each page.


Controls the top/horizontal/bottom padding of the grid. The unit is DIP.

Page indicator

Controls the visibility of the desktop page indicator.

Double tap to turn off the screen

This enables a simple "double tap" gesture on the desktops to turn off the phone's screen.

Place new icons onto a desktop

The app will place the newly installed apps on to a desktop page if any of them has free space.

Lock home screen layout

If enabled, the desktop grids are immutable.

Last modified: 16 October 2024